After we searched, compared, and considered a lot, we decided to get a new camera.
For photo quality, we concluded that a full-size (FX) camera is better. The full-size camera that I have now, I wanted to use only with a fixed focal length lens, so we decided to buy a new camera and an all-in-one lens.
The electric shops near here don’t sell many kinds of lens, but we choose one after reading reviews on the internet for a 28 to 300mm lens. It is a bit heavy, but is still much lighter than the 70 to 200mm I have now.
We saw 2 full-size models in a shop and chose one, Nikon D750. I ordered one right away so that I can try it before going to Singapore.
カメラはお店にあったフルサイズの2つのモデルからひとつ選びました。Nikon D750です。旅行の前に試し撮りをしたいのですぐに注文しました。